Francine Milford

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List of Credits


My articles and photography have appeared in the following newspapers, magazines, newsletters and more...


Sarasota Herald Tribune Newspaper

Venice Herald Tribune Newspaper

North Port Herald Tribune Newspaper

Englewood Herald Tribune Newspaper

Port Charlotte Herald Tribune Newspaper

The Venice Area Chamber of Commerce

The Venice Gondolier Newspaper 

The Venice Review Newspaper

The Englewood Review Newspaper

The North Port Review Newspaper

The Lakeland Ledger Newspaper

The Sarasota Natural Awakening Magazine

West Coast Woman

The Southern Hum

Friends of the Jacaranda Public Library Newsletter

Fate Magazine

Basket Bits Newsletter

The Quilter's  Magazine

Woman's World Magazine

Radius Magazine

Child Connections Magazine

Piecework Magazine

North Port Sun Herald

Englewood Sun Herald

Port Charlotte Sun Herald (website and weekly updates)



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