Francine Milford
List of Credits
My articles and photography have appeared in the following newspapers, magazines, newsletters and more...
Sarasota Herald Tribune Newspaper
Venice Herald Tribune Newspaper
North Port Herald Tribune Newspaper
Englewood Herald Tribune Newspaper
Port Charlotte Herald Tribune Newspaper
The Venice Area Chamber of Commerce
The Venice Gondolier Newspaper
The Venice Review Newspaper
The Englewood Review Newspaper
The North Port Review Newspaper
The Lakeland Ledger Newspaper
The Sarasota Natural Awakening Magazine
West Coast Woman
The Southern Hum
Friends of the Jacaranda Public Library Newsletter
Fate Magazine
Basket Bits Newsletter
The Quilter's Magazine
Woman's World Magazine
Radius Magazine
Child Connections Magazine
Piecework Magazine
North Port Sun Herald
Englewood Sun Herald
Port Charlotte Sun Herald (website and weekly updates)